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Pawsitive Pupdates

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My partner and I adopted Bubbles @ YCAS on Set21, 2016. Originally, he was named “Taylor” by the shelter but he was renamed after Bubble Tea (aka boba) We were told he was about 4 months, which means that Bubbles is a Gemini which makes sense. He’s “mean” but he’s really not. He just knows what he likes, what he doesn’t like, and when he wants to let you do this and that.

For 3 years, Bubbles was a college cat at UC Davis. Oftentimes, he was said to have “tenure” residency in the apartment. Whenever new roommates would come and go, the joke was that Bubbles was the “5th” roommate (if the apartment had 4 students living there)

Nowadays, with a degree from UC Davis, he’s now a retired college cat. He enjoys sleeping by the window on sunny days, loves his midday treats, and spectates when we play video games together. Despite being a former stray off the streets, Bubbles actually hates being outside. He’s a bit of a snob and prefers to bird-watch from inside the home. He’s also very vocal and will lead anyone who listens to him to his empty (or full) food bowl.

Lastly, he has clean white mittens and king white socks. Very stylish and always trendy.

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My fiancé and I adopted Mando (Lobo) in April 2021, and he is the sweetest boy! When we first met him, he was so happy to meet us, had the biggest smile on his face and was a complete goofball. We loved it! He has brought so much joy to our lives, and we absolutely love him! We decided to get him a friend in December 2021, and since we had such an amazing experience with YCAS, we decided to go back to find another forever friend. I first saw Bella on the YCAS website, and I immediately fell in love with how sweet and gentle she looked. She also has identical markings as Mando, so they look like brother and sister! Once we met her, she snuggled up to us and flashed us a cute little smile, and we knew we had to give her a forever home. Her and Mando instantly hit it off and were running around the yard together! Now, they are inseparable. They love playing and running with each other, and they absolutely love cuddling with us! They are the best pair of dogs, and we can't imagine our lives without them. Thank you YCAS!

-Megan & Lucas

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We adopted Spirit (now Ruger) and he is living his best life! We go on daily hikes, he has excelled in his training and he is just the sweetest boy ever! He still loves belly rubs and thinks he is a lap dog ... lol.  He is amazing with our 1-year old grandson too, very gentle. 


Thanks for taking such good care of him until we could find each other!


- Denise Whetzel

We adopted Rocko on a hunch, he was a misunderstood boy just unsure of humans intentions. We were right! Rocko began as a fearful untrusting scared little boy cowering or running away from any type of touch! Since we have had him he has come full circle loving all his dog and human family members and has accepted all of us even our visiting dog friends (we dog sit for our grown kids) Rocko has become an irreplaceable member of our family and we are so thankful YCAS saw a match and allowed us to adopt this wonderful boy!! -James & Lyns

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My dog passed away due to age and a few months later  I found Hana, known at the shelter as Ginny. Three weeks after her adoption we took her camping and she alerted us that there we had a bear in our presence.  When we took her on her first gondola ride she just laid down and went to sleep. She is the best dog and I am glad we found each other. Yolo animal shelter made sure they matched the right dog to me and they helped create a bond that will last a life time.  -Cindy 

Mi hijo y  Adopté un maravilloso husky de todos ustedes en enero. Su nombre era Oso en el refugio, pero mi hijo lo llamó Blueberry, y ahora su nombre completo es Blueberry McPuffinstuff. Todavía casi suena como 'oso' y encaja con su personalidad tonta.


Le está yendo muy bien en nuestra casa. Está lleno de energía y feliz, le encanta caminar y, literalmente, aúlla por que le froten la barriga todas las mañanas. Una vez que empiezo a acariciarlo, gruñe repetidamente con cada pequeño movimiento hasta que se deja caer sobre mis pies, y luego es el momento de frotar el vientre. 

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Sally y familia


Sally llegó al refugio en septiembre de 2020.  Ella tenía un historial de escapar y le gustaba salir de las situaciones.  Se acercaron varios adoptantes potenciales, pero cada uno de ellos pasó cortésmente. ¡Hasta que un día Sally conozca a sus perfectos hoomans!  Esto es lo que tienen que decir.


“Adoramos a Sally. Estábamos buscando un perro que parecía demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Nos dieron lo que se sabía de su historia pasada, y después de ver una foto de su sonrisa, ¡supimos que tenía que ser parte de nuestras vidas! Sally se ha convertido en la compañera más leal y cariñosa. Le encantan las pelotas chirriantes, los paseos en coche, revolcarse en el césped y las largas siestas bajo el sol.  No podríamos imaginar una vida sin nuestra chica.  Sally nos trae sonrisas y risas y todos tenemos el privilegio de conocerla. Estamos muy agradecidos de darle a Sally otra oportunidad y estamos muy agradecidos con YCAS por conectarnos ".  


Sally se ha convertido en una de nuestras influencers de Instagram, síguela @sallysgreatestadventure 

"Estuvimos pensando en tener un perro por un tiempo y Mia superó nuestros deseos y necesidades.  Observamos diferentes razas hipoalergénicas, pero no tuvimos la oportunidad de "criar" o hacer un recorrido con ningún perro antes de comprometernos por completo.


Estuve a bordo para adoptar a Mia después del día 2, ya que ella era una fanática de los abrazos y una tonta. Jon tardó unos días más en asimilarla, pero finalmente se enamoró. Realmente nos gusta la personalidad de Mia. Está muy relajada (la mayor parte del tiempo) y está feliz pasando el rato junto a sus patas en el sofá o saliendo a caminar. Ama a la gente y aprende rápido. Mia da muchos abrazos y lamidas. Al final, no elegimos a Mia tanto como ella nos eligió a nosotros ".


Mia es una de nuestras influencers en las redes sociales, puedes seguirla @marvelousmsmia  

Mia y familia

Siga a la Sra. Mia en Insta y @Marvelousmsmia

"Nosotros â€‹ Realmente estábamos buscando un perro mayor para rescatar, y cuando lo conocimos, nuestros corazones se derritieron. Es tan dulce y educado que sabíamos que era perfecto para nuestra familia ".  


Kylo y familia

"¡Nos enamoramos instantáneamente de Molly! ¡Es tan adorable! Nos hace sonreír con solo mirarla. Le encanta abrazar y encajar perfectamente con nuestra familia. Fue perfecta desde el primer día y solo teníamos que mantenerla ! "

muchacha  & Familia

"Mi corazón se enamoró de Tin casi de inmediato ... ¡es gentil, amable, amistoso, cariñoso y simplemente un hermoso perrito!


Por cierto ... ¡¡¡no va a ir a ningún lado !!! "

Tin y Robert

Azul, una feliz pittie low rider, fue adoptada por la pareja más compasiva y cariñosa, que la ama incondicionalmente y con cariño se une a Azul (ahora Lou) en su espectacular tontería. Su mamá dice efusivamente que Lou es pura alegría y que está obsesionada con el entusiasmo de Lou por la vida, presumiendo de que se han convertido en compinches inseparables.


Lou y familia

Happy Tails Form
¿Tienes tu propia historia de Happy Tails?
I agree to have my Happy Tail posted on Yolo County Animal Service's or Friends of YCAS's website and/or social media. Please note that we will not use the adopter's full name or email in any posts.

¡Gracias por adoptar! ¡Envíenos las fotos que le gustaría compartir a!

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